
When you install SSL Insecure Content Fixer, its default settings are activated and it will automatically perform some basic fixes on your website using the Simple fix level.

NB: if you need a level higher than Simple, please consider cleaning up your content to fix mixed content warnings.


The Simple fix level performs the following fixes:

  • scripts registered using wp_register_script() or wp_enqueue_script()
  • stylesheets registered using wp_register_style() or wp_enqueue_style()
  • images and other media loaded by calling wp_get_attachment_image(), wp_get_attachment_image_src(), etc.
  • data returned from wp_upload_dir() (e.g. for some CAPTCHA images)
  • images loaded by the plugin Image Widget

If you have warnings from images, iframes, embeds like videos or tunes, or scripts and CSS that are hard-coded into HTML, you will probably need to pick a level higher than Simple.

NB: if you can clean up your content, you should consider doing that first — the less work the plugin has to do, the less impact it will have on your website performance.


The Content fix level does everything the Simple fix level does, and it also cleans up images, iframes, and embeds (videos, tunes) in your page content and in Text widgets.


The Widgets fix level does everything the Content fix level does, but it doesn’t restrict its widget fixes to Text widgets.


The Capture fix level captures the entire page, and fixes scripts, stylesheets, images, iframes, and embeds (videos, tunes) anywhere on the page. NB: it can chew up lots of memory on big pages, which can impact website performance. Choose it if you need it, but see if you can use a lower impact level first.

Capture All

The Capture All fix level does everything the Capture fix level does, and also captures AJAX requests. Choose it as a last resort, because it can have performance impacts and conflicts.


WordPress Multisite gets a network settings page. This can be used to set default settings for all sites within a network, so that network administrators only need to specify settings on sites that have requirements differing from the network defaults.